Instructions in English

How to Watch

Connect to the YouTube stream available from the address listed in Live, or just click on the picture next to it.

Note: You do not have to register with YouTube. If you do, you will be able to participate in the on-screen text chat. If you don't you won't.

Check the Archive, if you want to test.

How to Perform

Use Zoom to connect to the Meeting ID and use the password listed for the event in Live.

The meeting will start a few minutes before the official time. This should allow everyone to connect successfully. However, no technical support will be available. Please sort your video and audio problems out before connecting.

Note: Zoom will not require you to register. All you need to do is join the 'meeting'. To do this, you'll need the Zoom software (it is a free app), the meeting ID and password.

Live Zoom Performance Guidelines

To help everyone's virtual performance and audience experience be the best possible, please:

This will help to get you through the waiting list. If we don’t know your screen name, you may look like a gatecrasher (!) and we may not be able to let you into the performance room.

This has the nice effect of announcing you in a cool manner (you’ll see) in the video feed. It's also good manners to stay muted most of the time. But also good manners to keep a screen active even if you just show your background. No, not your backside, that’ll get you barred.

It also means that the performer view is the main display.

No, that’s not a contradiction. Most of the time when attending a real life performance, you stay silent, then applaud at the end of the song or poem, but in this virtual world you have to press the mute button to make it work.

And the performer view then becomes the gallery view. So shout loud to be seen.

Not at all. When it’s your turn, you unmute, exchange a few words with the compère (while everyone else gets their mic / mute status sorted out), and then the stage / performance space / world belongs to you!