Still Life
Scroll down to the links at the bottom of the page to download MP3s. (Click the little down-arrows at the right side of the page.) Thanks to Val & Heather for the extra vocals.
Still Life (or A Lament for 2016)
Here at flower fall
Where the petal lies
The sun can shine
and the birds can sing
But I cannot be happy today
There where books are bound
There where dance is held
The waving poppy waves goodbye
And cannot be happy today
The market road is high and hard
And there he waits to mark his card
The thunder cracks, a blade reveals
A moment in a still life
Now that reason rests
grace cannot remain
boors and cheats
surround us now
I cannot be happy today
The brand new land the mob has won
Cannot survive the being done
Fools and liars lead us now
Our glory is behind us
© copyright me 2016