Where's My Jetpack

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi,  you're my only hope

I'm living with some androids, but they don't get the joke

  And I don't think Princess Leia's ever heard 

  a single word

I spoke

James T Kirk has gone to warp, and Spock has lost his brain

Scotty beamed up into space, then fell to Earth again

  I heard they made a sequel,

  It'll never be the equal

Not the same

The six million dollar man  broke his bionic hand

And nothing left will work as planned

 His knees are shot, his eye is jammed

  He needs \re-pair, 

  but no-one's got a spare

There's no demand

The Tomorrow People went astry they got stuck in yesterday

Lost the plot then lost their way 

 Threw away their destiny

  They told us we would fly

  now there's nothing left that i 

can say


Where's my Jet Pack

I want my future back

The fabulous machines

of our childhood dreams

Where's my Jet Pack

Where's my Jet Pack

So help me Obi Wan Kenobi, 

 I need to use the force

Its all that I can think of

 to get me back on course

  And I thought maybe you knew

  Cause I'm pretty sure you flew

  I'm only asking for a clue

  Tell me what do I have to do

To get my jetpack...

This link, https://youtu.be/aRf0SqC4sGg?t=2219 should take you to a specific point in time in the video.

However, the following, should be a direct youtube link including picture frame etc.